Our vision: Working to ensure equity of rights and justice for migrants, enabling effective integration and social change
- Welcome and enable migrants to integrate effectively through advice, guidance and practical support
- Challenge the ‘hostile environment’ policies through research and campaigning rooted in casework
- Ensure advocacy and access to justice for migrants
- Provide a ‘safety net’ for vulnerable migrants with no recourse to public funds caught in destitution, homelessness and other forms of structural injustice
- Help grow grassroots capacity for influencing system change through lived experience leadership
What We Do
Empower migrants to rebuild their lives and thrive
We help migrants to navigate the increasingly complex UK immigration environment in order to make the right choices. We provide reliable information, impartial advice and guidance, we empower and enable people, particularly newly arrived migrants, to make informed choices.
Advocacy Support
Migrants experience many barriers to accessing mainstream services. Migrant Action act as ‘advocates’ to challenge and remove barriers whilst empower migrants to assert their rights and entitlement to provision.
Crisis & Emergency Support
We provide crisis support for vulnerable migrants experiencing destitution, including families and women experiencing domestic violence. This includes; food vouchers food parcels access to emergency accommodation, access to healthcare referrals to social services and other crisis provisions.
Access to Justice
UK immigration policy is designed to create a hostile environment for migrants particularly people with insecure immigration status. Our work on access to justice goes beyond legal rights and justice, but encompass wider systemic injustices that routinely manifest in multiple and complex forms including; denial of legal aid of immigration matters; healthcare charges; no recourse to public funds including victims of domestic violence; exorbitant visa application fees; unlawful detention and labour exploitation; ECF applications for legal aid.
Migrant Action works with solicitors and other partners to actualise rights and justice for migrants.
Integration assistance
Migrant Action works in collaboration with other organisations to support new migrants find positive pathways to integration including through awareness and access to employment, volunteering and education, and facilitating access to welfare, healthcare, education, housing and employment.
We maintain a focus on building collaborative partnerships to improve service delivery and engagement for migrant communities. We provide ESOL, Functional & Employment skills courses collaborating with the charity Proverb31Woman, and support to new migrants by strengthening lived experience leadership, which builds capacity for leadership in the migration sector.
Research and campaign for racial and migrant justice
Migrant Action’s advocacy is underpinned by research based analysis/evidence. As an organisation we encourage and support knowledge equity therefore host and collaborate in various research based activities working with universities, community researchers, policy makers, research groups, etc
We also provide volunteering and student placement opportunities to offer local communities meaningful pathways to engage with our work and the broader migration conversation.
We are constantly working to influence system change through casework, advocacy, convening, research, campaigning, and collaborative service delivery.
Develop leadership and capacity for social change
Migrant Action’s work is rooted in transformation- This requires working in solidarity with people with lived experience of the UK immigration system and other grassroots movements to tackle the root causes of systemic injustice and build ‘new power’ an resilience for sustainable social change. Through our work, we are constantly articulating and enabling lived experience leadership and community resilience to drive genuine change and migrant justice.
If you are a migrant and in need of support, you can contact us;
- Telephone- 01138330991/07787744993
- Email: info@migrantaction.org.uk
- Contact us via face book and twitter
- Through referrals from our partner organisations working with migrants